Enrolling in Saint Peter Schools
Thank you for considering Saint Peter Public Schools! We are proud to provide an exceptional educational experience in south central Minnesota and we welcome all students and families to join our community of learners.
Enrollment registration for all schools and sites is done at our central registration office located at the Saint Peter Middle School - Door V on Broadway Avenue in the upper north parking lot.
Open Enrollment Applications
State law allows Minnesota students to enroll in a public school other than their resident district. Saint Peter welcomes many students from around the region and works closely with open-enrolled students and families to become fully integrated within the school system.
To Open Enroll in Saint Peter Public Schools, please complete the Open Enrollment application below. Completed applications should be brought to the Central Registration Office at the Saint Peter Middle School - Door V on Broadway Avenue in the upper north parking lot. District Office staff will take care of all other paperwork that needs to be completed for the Open Enrollment process.
K-12 and ECSE Open Enrollment Applications
Early Childhood and School Readiness Open Enrollment Application
Preschool Registration
Saints Overtime
Saints Overtime is our after school childcare program. You can find out more information and how you can apply by clicking the link below.