Saint Peter High School is fortunate most school years to have foreign exchange students attend classes here. These students provide a valuable opportunity for our students and staff to learn about a new country and culture, as well as teaching them about life in the U.S.
(NOTE - This is third of four profiles on exchange students attending classes here in 2023-24)
Nagore Caballero Mendizabal, from the small Spanish town of Soraluze, Basque Country, is this month’s profiled exchange student. Nagore, who is staying here with Marcia and Ben Ranft’s family, has been active already through cheerleading this fall.
The following is a Q&A profile of Nagore Caballero Mendizabal:
Parents and family members in Spain: Mother - Igone Mendizabal ; Father - Vicente Caballero ; Brother - Jon Caballero.
St. Peter Host family members: Host parents are Marcia & Ben Ranft and host siblings are Ryan and Isabella Ranft.
Hometown in Spain: Soraluze, Basque Country (Population around 4,000).
Hobbies and interests: Dancing, painting, reading, playing the piano, playing hockey and spending time with my friends and family.
Are you here for the full school year or just the semester? The full school year.
What is/are your favorite class here at SPHS? My favorite class is Art l Concepts.
What activities are you involved with here? I’m involved in cheerleading and I'm also playing hockey.
Have you visited the U.S. before? No.
What was the biggest adjustment(s) you had to make when you moved here for this school year? Saying goodbye to my family and friends for a year and that everything is different here: the food, the school…
Are there any new things you've tried here that you've really enjoyed? I am enjoying being a cheerleader because I love to dance and the people are very nice. I had never tried it because we don’t have cheerleaders in Spain.
What do you miss most about life in Spain? I miss my family and friends and also the food.
Will you have to return to high school in Spain, or will you move on to college/post-secondary school? I will return to high school.
Is there anywhere here in the U.S. you'd like to visit before returning back to Spain? No, I wanted to see New York but visited for a few days before coming here.

Exchange student from Spain enjoying life at SPHS
November 6, 2023