Two Saint Peter High School model rocket and overall science enthusiasts, Isam Ibrahim and Logan Pherson, are planning a unique event during school time on Tuesday, Oct. 29 where they will shoot off three different model rockets. The launch time is around 10 a.m. that morning.
Ibrahim and Pherson, who are founding members of the SPHS Aerospace Club, have been busy for the past couple of months preparing for this event. Once they cleared the launch date with school administration and staff, they moved forward with their plans to come to fruition. They did have a "trial run" of sorts in May 2023 when they launched a single model rocket, much to the delight of their fellow schoolmates at SPHS.
(PICTURED ABOVE AND BELOW) Scenes from Ibrahim and Pherson's model rocket launch in May 2023.
“Over the last three months, Logan and I have been working on making three rocket launches possible by purchasing motors, parachutes, 3D printing parts, etc,” Ibrahim said. “Recently, we have completed this preparation stage, and technically, as of now, we can test-launch the rockets.”
“This event has been in the works for the last two school years, but due to scheduling errors and other events, we were unable to host a school-wide event similar to our first one,” Pherson said. “We’ve reached the point where we’re both seniors, and we really want the club to go out with a bang, so this year, we’ll be doing all we can to bring fun events to our peers and show off the progress we’ve made since sophomore year.”
All three of the rockets that Ibrahim and Pherson will launch have the capability of exceeding 2,000 feet in the air. For comparison, the rocket the duo launched in 2023 went up 1,000 feet in the air.
“This event is unprecedented and inherently dynamic, and we are really looking forward to launching these rockets for our fellow students at SPHS,” Ibrahim said.

SPHS rocket enthusiasts to launch three model rockets on Tuesday (Oct. 29th)
October 28, 2024