With the world's trash problems in mind, three dimensional art class students at Saint Peter High School worked together in small groups to create an outfit or clothing item out of unconventional materials that might have otherwise been thrown away, recycled, or considered "trash". The students then put those outfits/items on display during their Recycled Fashion Show.
Students in Mrs. Hendrickson’s class used hand sewing techniques, staplers, hot glue, and tape to join the unusual fabrics together. The outfit had to be functional, meaning that the model could actually put it on and move around.
Students shown in the photo above (l to r) include: Chesney Freeman (10) designed a cell phone holder shirt worn by teacher, Mrs. Hendrickson. Xavier Hartman (12) is modeling his Minecraft inspired cape. Claire Peters (12) is clad in a long sleeved recycled fabric dress with a plastic bag corset designed by her team including herself, Hadley Struehrenberg (12), Ellinore Letts (12), and Elliot Hagen (9). Advanced 3-D art students Max Bultman (10) and Riley Looft (10) created a papier mache' dress worn here by Isabel Avant (12). Next you see Bryn Heminover (11) modeling her group's dress made from plastic grocery bags and burlap a coffee sack. Group members included Bryn, Mya Moreau (11) and Kadan Mohamed (11). Mya Moreau wears a burlap sack dress created by classmate Carson Factor (12). Finally, junior Maya VanGrootheest rocks a green mini dress made from a variety of plastic materials with a fitted bustier top structured with cardboard. This design was created by Rowan Snay (12), Maya, and Andrew Baji (12).

SPHS 3-D art students put on Recycled Fashion Show
March 23, 2023