Congrats to the Saint Peter High School Mock Trial varsity team as they defeated Albert Lea during its final regular season virtual competition on Tuesday, and will now advance to the Greater MN Southern Division 4-6 regional competition on Tuesday, Feb. 13. More details on the regional will be shared as they become available.
(SHOWN ABOVE) SPHS Mock Trial team members include: front row (l to r), Liana Snow, Nabiil Jamac, Tiarnan Hopp, Baylee Nygard; back row, Matthew Timmerman, Elijah Cherland Narum, Keira Dunn, and Molly Leonard. Not pictured are coaches Dan Clark and James Dunn.
In addition to its win over Albert Lea this week, the SPHS team advancing to regionals also defeated Watertown-Mayer, Rochester Mayo, and Murray County Central during the season. The regional winner advances to the Minnesota State Mock Trial Tournament which is set for the weekend of March 7-8 in St. Paul.
Other teams in the Greater MN Southern Division 4-6, in addition to St. Peter and St. Peter White, include Albert Lea Red, Albert Lea Blue, Albert Lea, Winona Cotter, Winona Cotter White, Fairmont, Glencoe-Silver Lake, Hills-Beaver Creek, Lakeview, Luverne, Murray County Central, Northfield, Owatonna White, Owatonna Blue, Rochester Century, Rochester Mayo, Springfield, United South Central, Watertown-Mayer, and Watertown-Mayer White. The St. Peter White team comprises of younger students who are newer to the program.
For more info on the Minnesota Mock Trial program please click HERE!
Shown below are some highlights of Tuesday’s virtual competition!
SPHS Mock Trial team members (l to r) Keira Dunn, Molly Leonard, and Elijah Cherland Narum in action during the recent virtual meet.
Nabiil Jamac participates in the meet vs. Albert Lea
Matthew Timmerman and Tiarnan Hopp
Baylee Nygard served as timekeeper during the match with Albert Lea.

Liana Snow