Saint Peter High School Career & Technical Education (CTE) students in Mr. Robinson, Mr. Pehrson, and Ms. Witty's classes had virtual and hands-on opportunities when they visited the Big Ideas’ trailer on Tuesday. The Big Ideas’ trailer made its annual stop at SPHS for the entire day and those CTE students taking part in this event are currently studying either woodworking, metal fabrication, agri-science and/or building trades.
Students visiting Big Ideas’ trailer worked in stations that provided hands-on experience in the areas of heavy equipment operation, welding, and building construction. There was also a virtual reality (VR) station set up inside the metals/welding/mechanics shop where students could choose from 25 different skills.
According to the group’s website, “Big Ideas, Inc.’s mission is to provide opportunities for people to discover, explore, and learn both technical and soft skills needed to succeed in skilled trades. We use leading-edge augmented and virtual reality hands-on technologies to engage curious learners and then in-shop mini-courses to continue the exploration. We are proud of our collaboration with professional tradespeople who share their skills, knowledge, and stories to give learners front-line insight into the wide variety of options offered in every aspect of skilled trades."
For more photos from the Big Ideas trailer's visit to SPHS please go to the SPPS Facebook page!

Big Ideas trailer provides hands-on experience for SPHS CTE students
March 26, 2024