Congrats to Saint Peter High School senior wrestlers Charlie Born and Evan Walters for recently eclipsing the 100-career win mark for the Saints! They are the 24th and 25th varsity wrestlers in the history of the Saints’ program to reach that mark.
According to Saints' co-head coach Ryan Timmerman, there are several other Saints on this year's squad who have strong chances to reach the 100-win mark as well during their careers. If you're looking for a chance to see these talented wrestlers in action, the Saints host a quadrangular tonight (Thursday) with Blue Earth Area, Redwood Valley, and Scott West starting at 5 p.m. at the SPHS gym!
The following is a list of those Saints' wrestlers who have reached 100-career win mark, which includes the year they graduated, and their final number of career wins:
Kole Guth (2022) 163
Sage Loredo-Hollon (2019) 159
Eli Hunt (2020) 148
Matthew Pettis (2019) 147
NaKiye Mercado (2024) 142
Ryan Timmerman(2008) 141
Wyatt Gillette (2017) 137
Wareke Gillette (2020) 136
Jeremy Rodning (1999) 133
Anthony Putz (2018) 130
Wade Pehrson (1992) 125
Tony Hewitt (1994) 121
Leighton Robb (2024) 120
Jared Anderberg (2005) 120
Bill Babcock (1975) 114
Kevin Ohm (1995) 113
Harold Born (2023) 108
Jim Wilkins (2009) 108
Brogan Hanson (2022) 106
Kyle Bosacker (2014) 103
Hunter Retzlaff (2014) 101
Dylan Connor (2013) 101
Cole Filand (2024) 101
Charlie Born (2025) 100
Evan Walter (2025) 100

Two Saints wrestlers reach the 100-career win mark
December 12, 2024